Team Danielle Halliday

Danielle Halliday

Location Manager

Danielle brings extensive experience from several customer service focussed organisations. She began her leadership journey in the British Military as an Intelligence Analyst in the Royal Air Force. A move to New Zealand in 2007 with her husband and two daughters, saw her move into the not-for-profit sector in both regional and national leadership roles.

Danielle has a strong sense of service, she recognises that families have different needs and puts strong focus on the importance of each family getting the support they need during such difficult circumstances.

Let us help you

We are always on hand to answer any questions you might have. We know what we are doing, and we’re here to look after you. Call or email us, we will guide you and liaise with the authorities on your behalf.

2022 08 10 H Morris Candle 2 (1) Min